Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Impromptu Laughter Session

A few days after becoming a Laughter Yoga teacher, I traveled to Minnesota to visit family and to spend a holiday weekend on the north shore of Lake Superior. I hadn't yet formally established a laughter club, but was eager to begin laughing with people right away, so I decided to round up a few people to see if we could have an impromptu laughter session. During breakfast, I went around the dining room in the lodge where we were staying and struck up conversations with people at other tables, inviting them to join me after their meal to laugh with me in the solarium.

Three people decided to join the fun, and considering I'd only invited about a dozen to begin with, I thought this was a wonderful success! Together with my mom and sister-in-law, we had a group of six people laughing and playing.

It was an interesting exercise, leading a laughter session while holding onto Cedar. He was not about to let go of mom in the midst of this obvious craziness, so I did what I could with one hand while holding him on my hip with my other.

Cedar didn't seem to be overly amused with the laughter antics; unbeknownst to me, he was apparently picking his nose during much of the session!

After awhile he was comfortable enough that I could set him down, but he didn't go far:

Nonetheless, we all had a fantastic laughter session and the three who joined us became instant friends for the weekend. This is what I enjoy most about laughter; when you've laughed with someone, you become friends for life! Now, let's laugh together!

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